Saturday, December 23, 2006

The friend of my enemy

Ayman al Zawarihi sent out a Christmas message to his friends and enemies last week. Unlike past missives from al Qaeda's spiritual leader, this one is being largely ignored by the mainstream media, for reasons that should be clear to those who read it. We who support the crusader armies in Iraq and Afghanistan can rest assured we remain on Zawahiri's naughty list, but the American Democrat party seems to have found favor with the old jihad-pushing Egyptian "doctor." The letter explicitly links the interests of al Qaeda and the interests of the party that will take control of our nation's legislature after the New Year.

In the latest speech of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda’s number two, titled: “Realities of the Conflict Between Islam and Unbelief” he discusses several topics within the context of this subject, focusing on the incumbency for jihad upon Muslims and the support for the Mujahideen in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Algeria, and Somalia. The speech derides several recent events, such as the victory of Democrats over Republicans in the November 2006 U.S. midterm elections, and the November 30 meeting in Amman, Jordan between U.S. President George W. Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, giving an indication that the video was recorded within the last few weeks ...

To the Democrats in America, Zawahiri states that they did not win and the Republicans did not lose; rather, it is the Mujahideen who have won, and the American forces and their allies those who lost.

I haven't seen a transcript of the tape, but it seems to me there are two ways two interpret this, and neither of them is good news for Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama (and even less so for Congressman Keith Ellison, whose supporters have been known to ululate and shout "Allahu Akbar" at rallies). Zawahiri could mean that the Democrats should thank al Qaeda for bringing them to power in the House and Senate. (Don't the Democrats credit al Qaeda with keeping Bush in power in 2004?) The second possible meaning is more damning for the Democrats--that Zawahiri feels that an electoral win for the Democrats in America is tantamount to a battle won by Islam in its struggle against "Unbelief." Zawahiri may have meant a little of both; when it comes to semantic precision, Arabic is a long way from German.

In any case, this speech from Zawahiri once again lays out plainly the intent of our sworn enemy, while our own leaders blather on about the Religion of Peace and our War on (the amorphous and unaffiliated concept of) Terror. There's a New World Order coming, and it's not the one Bush's father had in mind back in 1991.

Harkening to the speech’s subject, Zawahiri directly tells the Muslim Nation that they have a decision in which they may live on the margins of the New World Order, or rely upon Allah and embrace Islam, doing jihad for His Sake. [Given that this analysis by SITE is from an audiotape, I don't know how they came to the decision to capitalize certain words. It looks suspiciously like creeping dhimmitude ("His Sake") and an Orwellian submission to totalitarian lingo ("New World Order")--Ed.] Scholars who advocate Muslims to take a moderate and progressive position are condemned [As usual, moderate and progressive are good for the infidels (at least until they submit) but bad for the faithful.--Ed] and those who obligate Muslim women in France to remove their hijab and those who obligate the Muslim in Britain to “obey Elizabeth” are not suitable, in Zawahiri opinion, to take the reins of leadership or authority. The Palestinian women of Beit Hanoun who surrounded the besieged mosque are deemed more courageous, resolution, and honorable than the “religion-selling traitors” in Iraq and Afghanistan, Cairo, Riyadh, Amman, and Sana’a.

I think we learned a while back in Afghanistan that the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend, but is the friend of my enemy anything but my enemy? I didn't really need to be dissuaded from voting Democrat anytime soon, but after this, I'm about as likely to cast my ballot for Bin Laden in 2008 as for Clinton or Obama.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Curiouser and curiouser

Russian-spy-turned-walking-biohazard Alexander Litvinenko is still dead. But now he's Muslim. Actually, he turned Muslim a week before he died, but only those of us in the vast right-wing conspiracy knew about it. Now that his memorial service has been held in the target-rich environment of London's Regent's Park Mosque, and Chechen Islamists have attended his funeral, the mainstream media have pulled their heads out of the sand and noticed.

LONDON - After a Muslim prayer service, ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko was laid to rest Thursday in a rain-swept funeral at London's Highgate Cemetery attended by a Russian tycoon, a Chechen rebel leader and other exiled Kremlin critics.


Litvinenko, who criticized Putin's policies in Chechnya, reportedly had converted to Islam before his death, and some of the mourners were dressed in traditional Muslim robes. They left red flowers and an orange and yellow wreath at the stone gate of the famous cemetery where communist revolutionary Karl Marx is buried.

Earlier Thursday, Zakayev and Litvinenko's father, Walter, joined hundreds of Muslims who had gathered at London's Regent's Park Mosque for regular daily prayer to attend a memorial service, where the imam recited a funeral prayer.

"The imam said a special passage for him from the Quran," said Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, head of Britain's Muslim parliament.

"Britain's Muslim parliament"? Is the AP writer channelling us information from the future, or is there some kind of shadow government operating out of London now?

Why can't we have a good old cold-war-style, spy-vs.-spy dust-up without Islam getting involved? You can't swing a cat without hitting the Clash of Civilizations these days. Problem is, that's exactly the way the Islamists want it. "We're here! We're backwards, misogynistic supremacists! Get used to it!"