Saturday, April 02, 2005

Sandy Berger cuts a deal

Sandy Berger
Originally uploaded by tompain.
Sandy Berger testifying before the 9/11 Commission. What's that up his sleeve?

Former Clinton Administration National Security Advisor and former advisor to the Kerry campaign Sandy Berger pleads guilty to knowingly stealing and destroying classified documents belonging to the National Archives and subsequently lying to investigators about the missing papers ... and he walks! Martha Stewart must be doing a whirling dervish in her ankle bracelet.

From The New York Times:

Though Mr. Berger maintained after the accusations first arose that he had removed the classified documents by inadvertently mixing them in with his own papers, he admitted as part of the plea agreement that he had taken them intentionally and with full knowledge that doing so was unauthorized.

The Times predictably gives the story a whitewash, tossing out all pretenses that anything remotely akin to investigative journalism goes on there any more. This one-sentence paragraph wedged in the middle of what is otherwise essentially a press release sums it up well:

His motives in taking the documents remain something of a mystery.

Thanks for all the help, Holmes.


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